Do I Have A Hair Transplant Infection?

Do I Have A Hair Transplant Infection?

Every surgery carries the risk of infection. Numerous factors increase the likelihood of hair transplant infection, which is why many patients worry about developing it. 

What is a Hair Transplant Infection? 

A hair transplant infection falls under the category of surgical site infection (SSI). Surgeries in which incision(s) is/are made on the body of the patient carry a risk of its development. The cutting of skin allows the bacteria on the surface of the skin and outside the body to gain entry. Although less than one-millimetre punches are made in the scalp, you can still develop a hair transplant infection. 

How Common Are Hair Transplant Infections? 

They only occur in 1% to 3% of the cases. So, you do not need to worry about it. However, if you do develop a hair transplant infection, you can end up ruining the final results of your surgery. Microbes are everywhere, so you need to be careful. 

What are the Symptoms of Hair Transplant Infection? 

As so much is going on right after the hair transplant surgery, it might be difficult for you to detect an infection. Still, you should look out for these signs of infection: redness, pain, drainage, burning sensation, and tenderness, among others. You should look out for pus in the surgical site. If after a week has passed and your situation isn’t improving, you should contact us immediately. 

I Have Hair Transplant Infection. What Should I Do? 

If you have developed a hair transplant infection, early intervention can save your hair transplant surgery. There are treatments available, so you can end up with satisfactory results. However, if you don’t take proper care, you might end up needing corrective surgery. The hair density can also decrease as a result of hair transplant infection.

Why Have I Developed a Hair Transplant Infection? 

There are many factors which can lead to the formation of hair transplant infection. Poor hygiene, unhealthy diet/lifestyle, smoking, drinking alcohol, certain illnesses and medicines can all increase the risk of infection. 

Other than that, being in dirty places can also expose you to dirt and bacteria. You have to be careful about avoiding dusty places for at least 2 weeks after the surgery. Avoid any activity that makes you sweat for a month after the surgery, such as exercise and sexual activities. 

How Can I Avoid A Hair Transplant Infection? 

Keep your scalp clean by following our washing instructions and do not touch your scalp even for scratching an itch. The bacteria from your hands and nails can accumulate on the scalp and cause a hair transplant infection. 

Moreover, to avoid an infection do make sure to take the antibiotics as prescribed by us and never miss your check-up appointments. If you have developed an infection, our doctors will be able to detect it early on and make sure to take appropriate measures for its treatment. Lastly, follow the aftercare instructions that we provide at all costs. They are important in determining the success of your surgery. 


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