How and When Can I Measure My Bra Cup Size After Breast Augmentation?

How and When Can I Measure My Bra Cup Size After Breast Augmentation?

Many patients wait to see the final results of their surgery, which is why they ask us when they can finally know what their cup size is. 

When Can I Measure My Actual Bra Size After Breast Augmentation?

Importantly, you should know that the size of the implant is measured in cubic centimetres. Many patients are unaware of that and ask their surgeon to increase their breast size by one or more cups. However, there’s no standardization of cup sizes in the bra industry. Cup sizes can largely vary between brands, which is why cubic centimetres is used. 

Many patients get disappointed after the surgery if their breast size hasn’t increased by one or more cups. To avoid this, we will make sure to show you your profile with the implants before the surgery takes place. 

After your breast augmentation surgery, you might struggle to find the right bra size for a while. That’s because of the swelling. Initially, your breast will be quite swollen, which will take some time to subside. You might also notice some breast asymmetry during the recovery process. It is normal, and it will go away. Three months after the surgery, you will start seeing the real shape and size of your breast. So, you need to wait for at least three months before you can measure your new bra size. We encourage you to remain patient during this time. 

Will I Wear A Special Bra During the Recovery Process? 

We will provide you with a special bra that you need to wear for at least a month after the surgery. It is important that you wear it as it’ll help with bruising and swelling after the surgery while providing you with adequate support. Before you start wearing other bras, make sure to consult with your doctor as the healing process is not the same for everyone. After some time, you can start wearing any bra that you want. 

How Can I Find the Right Bra Size After Breast Augmentation? 

You’d have to try on some different bra sizes before you find the right one. Do not underestimate the importance of this step, as finding the right bra size will provide utmost comfort and support. Moreover, the weight of bigger boobs can affect your upper body posture, which is why you need to find the bra size that fits perfectly. 

There are two things that you need to take care of: bra cups and straps. You might know that the number in your bra size, for instance, the 34 in 34D is the band size. This won’t change after the surgery. You should measure it again anyway. 

To find the cup size, you should take the measuring tape and measure from the centre of the cleavage and span it to the length of your boob on the widest part (the middle part) to the inner corner. Repeat this step with your other boob to take any size difference into account. 

Lastly, make sure that the straps of the bra don’t dig into your shoulders and hold the weight of your boobs comfortably. You should wear bras with wider, padded straps.

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