What is the Wound Dressing Change Frequency After Having Breast Surgery?

What is the Wound Dressing Change Frequency After Having Breast Surgery?

Proper wound care can ensure a speedy recovery after breast augmentation surgery. Depending on the breast profile and desired changes, the incision site can vary between patients. 

Why Do My Incision Wounds Need Dressing? 

The purpose of the dressing is to keep the wound dry. It’ll absorb any blood or fluid leaking out of the sutured incisions. Other than that, it provides an extra protective covering over the wound so that it isn’t exposed to any bacteria or viruses. Also, sometimes, the fibres from your clothes can get stuck on the wound and even pull at the skin. This can act as a potential setback in your recovery process. 

What Should Be My Wound Dressing Change Frequency? 

On the second day after the surgery, you can remove your bandage. However, do not remove the sterile strip bandages put along the incisions. You should make sure to change your wound dressing on every second day. This will go on for at least a month after which you can stop changing your wound dressing. 

The stitches are dissolvable. They can take from weeks to months to go away. Your surgeon will provide you with a bra that you need to wear for one month after the surgery. It will help you with the healing process. 

What Things Should I Be Careful About When Changing My Wound Dressing? 

Since your wound dressing change frequency is every second day, you need to be careful about a few things. Initially, you might find it inconvenient since you’ll be dealing with pain and discomfort from the surgery, but it will get better with time. 

Make sure that your hands are clean before you begin changing your wound dressing. Bacteria from your hands and nails can cause infection in the wounds. You can start taking baths on the second day after the surgery. Do not rub the wounds. Only pat them dry. Also, avoid extremely hot water baths. 

Clean the wounds using warm water and soap. Be gentle when peeling the dressing so that you don’t disturb the stitches. After you’ve taken off the bandages, apply the antiseptic solution and cream to your incision lines. Following this, cover your wounds with gauzes. Keeping the surgical area clean and dry is extremely important for normal recovery, and for that, your wound dressing change frequency is rather significant. 

If you notice oozing, smell, redness, pain, or pus at the surgical site, make sure to get in touch with your surgeon as you might have an infection. We will provide you with a prescription for antibiotics after the surgery to prevent it. 

Are There Any Activities That Can Harm the Stitches on My Incisions? 

Yes. Firstly, you should not stretch your body excessively. You’ll have to temporarily forgo vigorous exercise for that. You can still take short walks. Also, do not lift anything heavy as it can put a strain on your wound. You should not engage in any sexual activities for a month. 

Avoid going to swimming pools and hot tubs for weeks after the surgery. You can increase the risk of infection, otherwise. Importantly, try to avoid going directly under the sun for a year after the surgery as it can darken your scars. Whenever you go outside, don’t forget to wear sunscreen. 

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