How Long Do Veneers Last?

How Long Do Veneers Last?

How long do veneers last highly depends on your aftercare. Their longevity frame is shorter than that of the crowns since veneers are only wafer-thin laminates that cover the front of the teeth.

How Long Will My Veneers Last?

As mentioned above, veneers only cover the entire front surface of the tooth. It doesn’t fit like a cap and surrounds the tooth on all sides like a crown. However, because of that, it’s usually used on the front teeth. Since they only cover the front of your tooth, they are very thin and fragile, so you must take care of them well.

There are two different types of veneers: porcelain and composite. According to the American Dental Association, veneers can last for about 10 years. However, depending on the type of the veneer, and the way you take care of them, this duration can vary. Porcelain veneers are far more durable and stronger as they are made out of porcelain. In some cases, they can last for about 20 years if a patient takes care of them nicely. They also provide quite satisfactory and natural-looking results due to their thin material during the time the patient uses their veneers. 

On the other hand, there are composite laminate veneers, which is also called “composite bonding.” Rather than porcelain, composite veneers make use of resin, a material that is also used for tooth filling. They can last you for 3 to 5 years. They are more fragile than porcelain veneers and can be chipped easily. Good aftercare is very important with composite veneers.

There are some reasons why patients choose to have composite resin veneers over porcelain. For instance, if you’re getting porcelain veneers, the dentist will remove a small amount of enamel from the natural tooth. If someone needs to remove the veneers, they’ll need to replace it with veneers because of the removal of the enamel. Composite veneers do not require the removal of your enamel, which makes the treatment reversible. 

Another advantage of composite veneers is that you can get them in a single visit to the dentist’s office. In any case, veneers are not permanent. They might last you a long time only if you take good care of them. 

How Can I Make My Veneers Last? 

Your veneers are fragile, no matter the material. Biting into ice, hard nuts, fruits, and candies can chip your veneers. If you use your teeth to open bottles, cut strings, or tear packets, etc. then you can end up breaking your veneers. So, you need to avoid doing that. 

Brushing twice a day and flossing before bed is important. If you have bruxism or you clench your teeth too often, then email us so that we can contact your dentist. You might need to wear a bite guard/night guard before sleeping. Similarly, whenever playing a sport, do wear a mouthguard.

If your veneers are hit, they can easily chip or break. These are a few things that you should do to increase the longevity of your dental veneers. 

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