How Long Does Composite Bonding Last?

How Long Does Composite Bonding Last?

The constant wear and tear of the teeth can give them an unsightly appearance. Composite bonding offers an easy solution to these problems. However, the strength of composite bonding isn’t the same as that of veneers or crowns. Since the material is different, their durability is also different from each other.

Why Choose Composite Bonding Over Veneers? 

Both veneers and composite tooth bonding can make use of composite resin to cover the damaged, decayed, or chipped part of the tooth. However, with veneers, patients can choose between porcelain and composite resin. Veneers are thin-laminates that cover the entire surface of the tooth. Porcelain is, of course, more durable because of its greater strength. Veneers, in general, are more long-lasting than composite bonding. They can last you for 20 years provided you take good care of your teeth.  

On the other hand, composite bonding only covers the affected area of the tooth that needs repair. Your dentist might also use composite bonding to fill a cavity. It can easily blend in with the rest of your teeth. The lower price of composite teeth bonding is why many people choose to get it. Moreover, the composite bonding can last you for more than a decade, which is why many people consider getting this dental treatment over veneers. If you’re unsatisfied with it, you can always choose to get veneers later on. 

How Long Will My Composite Bonding Last? 

That depends on how well you take care of your teeth. Composite bonding can last for 10 years if you don’t end up damaging the composite material in one way or another. Other than avoiding certain foods and habits, you’ll need to make sure that you’re brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing them. Getting composite bonding doesn’t mean that your teeth are immune to decay or cavities. The composite bonding can crack, and poor eating habits can lead to plaque formation and cavities. 

The area where you get composite bonding also matters. You’ll need to keep in mind that composite bonding is not as strong as your natural teeth. If your bonding gets cracked or broken, immediately contact the dentist. 

How Can I Extend the Results of My Composite Bonding?

For that, you need to avoid biting into any hard foods such as dry fruits, ice, candies, apples, and pear, etc. It’s better if you reduce the consumption of spicy foods and carbonated drinks. You also need to avoid chewing pens or pencils, biting your fingernails, or ripping something open with your teeth. Moreover, you should not attempt to cut a thread or string using your teeth. 

As composite resin can easily get stained, you need to decrease the consumption of red wine, coffee, and tea, among other teeth-staining foods. Smoking can also give your composite bonding a yellow colour. To make sure that your smile stays healthy, try to get a dental cleaning after every 6 months.

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