How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

There are numerous factors which can determine how long the results of your teeth-whitening will last. Teeth whitening is a temporary treatment. However, you can do certain things to enjoy the results of the procedure for a longer period of time. It’s always better to have a realistic expectation in mind regarding the treatment you’re getting. 

How Long Will the Results of My Teeth-Whitening Last? 

Before getting a teeth-whitening procedure, your dentist will determine if your stains are intrinsic or extrinsic. If the stains are extrinsic, the dentist will suggest the use of whitening gel for dealing with them. You’ll need to undergo more invasive treatments for treating with intrinsic stains that develop as a result of decay or injury. 

Usually, the kind of treatment that you get determines how long teeth-whitening results last. If you’re buying a teeth whitening kit from a local pharmacy, it is quite likely that the results from it won’t last long. This is because of the low concentration of peroxide in the gel. The at-home teeth-whitening kit provided by your dentist might give you longer results in comparison. 

We apply a light-activated bleaching gel on the teeth for whitening purposes. Its result can last you for many years if you follow a diet that doesn’t damage or stain your teeth. You can expect the treatment to be permanent. That’s because as you age, your enamel will thin. The dentin underneath will become more exposed, which is naturally yellow in colour. This doesn’t mean that teeth-whitening doesn’t work for older people. Only the results for them won’t last as long as for younger people. 

Your genetics can also determine the longevity of your teeth whitening results. Some people are more prone to getting yellow teeth even if they do things right. You should discuss the course of treatment with the dentist as it can differ for each patient. 

What Can I Do to Extend the Results of My Teeth Whitening Treatment? 

You should brush your teeth twice a day and floss to ensure that your teeth stay clean. This will help your gums stay healthy. You can also visit the dentist regularly to get a dental cleaning. After consuming a meal, you should make sure to gargle with water so that the food doesn’t keep sticking to your teeth until you brush again. Instead of gargling, you can also simply drink water for this purpose. 

If you consume tobacco products, your teeth are more likely to get stained easily. You should avoid smoking to keep your teeth white. 

Which Foods Can Stain My Teeth? 

Red wine, tomato sauce (and meals that contain it such as spaghetti), soy sauce, coffee, tea, beer, fizzy drinks, beets, curry, and balsamic vinegar, among others. For drinks, you can try using straws, while for foods you’ll just have to avoid. If you do want to eat them, make sure that you consume small quantities of them. However, if you don’t eat these foods, there’s a high chance that your teeth whitening treatment will last for a long time.

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