How To Sleep After Hair Transplant?

How to Sleep After Hair Transplant?

Having a hair transplant surgery isn’t easy. You will have to make some temporary lifestyle changes, one of which is sleeping. 

Why My Sleeping Position Matters After Hair Transplant Surgery? 

You will experience swelling after the hair transplant procedure. If you’re sleeping in the wrong position, the swelling in your forehead and scalp will increase. The healing process is, therefore, prolonged. 

If you’re not careful about the way you’re sleeping after hair transplant surgery, you might also end up damaging your grafts. You’re strongly advised against applying even the slightest pressure on your scalp because it can dislodge the grafts. If you end up ruining the implanted hair follicles, no hair growth might take place from them. This will affect your hair density and, eventually, the final results of your surgery. 

How Should I Sleep After Hair Transplant? 

In order to keep the swelling on the top of your head at bay and prevent it from coming down to your face, you should sleep with your head elevated at an angle of 45 degrees. You will need at least two pillows for this. Also, you need to sleep like this for three nights after the hair transplant procedure. 

Make sure that you sleep on your back for one week after the surgery. This will keep the transplanted area safe so that you can start sleeping normally again soon. Do all you can to avoid sleeping on your stomach or the sides, because this can cause more swelling. You also risk damaging your newly transplanted hair. 

Are There Any Tips on How to Sleep After Hair Transplant? 

Other than keeping your head elevated at an angle, there are some other things that you can do. Try propping up some firm cushions or pillows around yourself before sleeping. This might prevent you from tossing and turning. Sleeping on the bed, you should also be careful about banging your head against the headboard. It will be extremely detrimental for your hair transplant surgery. So, put some soft pillows in between. 

If you think that you might end up changing your sleeping position on the bed, consider lying on a recliner. A sofa is another option. You can use neck pillows to sleep more comfortably. Also, you should not take any sleeping pills after the hair transplant surgery, because you might end up sleeping in the wrong position or end up hitting your head against something in the deep sleep state. 

Lastly, make sure that the sheets and pillow covers are clean and disinfected so that you’re not at risk of developing a hair transplant infection. 

When Can I Start Sleeping Normally After Hair Transplant Surgery? 

For one week after the procedure, you need to be careful about your sleeping position. If all goes well, you’ll be on your path to recovery. Your grafts will start healing so you won’t easily damage them. 

Remember, you should not sacrifice your sleep just because you fear that you will end up harming your grafts. You might face some difficulties in the beginning, but it will get better with time. Sleep is important because it will help you in the healing process. 

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