I Have Cracked Tooth After Root Canal, What Shall I Do?

I Have Cracked Tooth After Root Canal, What Shall I Do?

After the removal of the infected pulp in the root canal, the blood is not supplied to the tooth anymore. Therefore, the root canal tooth is not as strong as your natural teeth. The problem with the crack on the tooth after the root canal is that it’s barely visible. It’s difficult to notice even with a dental X-ray. 

What Should I Do with My Cracked Tooth After Root Canal? 

Cracking of root canal tooth is a condition known as cracked tooth syndrome. These cracks are very small, so sometimes you might not even notice them.  However, some people start feeling pain and discomfort due to the crack. They can even feel pressure when they’re eating. These symptoms can lead to your root canal tooth becoming loose. This can cause further damage, however, early intervention can help. 

As the root canal tooth is brittle and weak, it is easier to break. This doesn’t mean that it will necessarily crack no matter what you do. If you avoid chewing hard foods, such as nuts and candies, and maintain good oral hygiene, you shouldn’t worry. If you have bruxism, in which a person inadvertently clenches their jaw, you might risk cracking or chipping your root canal tooth. 

You need to make sure that your root canal tooth is not under stress. Also, when you’re consuming any solids or liquids make sure that it’s not too hot or cold. Right after the root canal, your tooth is going to be more vulnerable to fracture and breakage.

How Will the Dentist Diagnose My Cracked Tooth After Root Canal? 

This is an understandable concern considering it’s difficult to notice the crack even with an X-ray. You need to make sure that you visit your dentist on a regular basis for check-ups. If your tooth has cracked, the dentist might detect it during the routine examination. They will make sure to thoroughly check the tooth for any cracks that are sometimes present right below the gum line. 

Just as you might notice a crack if you stick your tongue against the root canal tooth, the dentist might use a special dye to detect the crack. In addition, they can also make use of fibre optic light to see if your root canal tooth has cracked. 

What is the Treatment for Cracked Tooth After Root Canal?

There are different courses of action that the dentist can take depending on the severity of the crack. If the crack is quite prominent, the dentist might put a dental crown on top of the root canal tooth. This will help protect it from getting any further damage. However, in some cases, when the crack is too severe, tooth extraction is the better treatment. After the extraction, dentures, bridges, and implants are usually used. They help stop any bone loss from happening. This is how you can treat your cracked tooth after a root canal. 

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