Is Tooth Bonding Reversible?

Is Tooth Bonding Reversible?

Tooth bonding is a cost-effective cosmetic dental treatment that can allow you to smile confidently. However, sometimes patients desire to get rid of their tooth bonding in search of a more durable and long-lasting treatment.

What is Teeth Bonding?

Composite resin tooth bonding is a good solution if your teeth are broken, chipped, or uneven. Of course, the dentist will match the colour of the resin with the colour of your original tooth. This way, it will look natural. Before putting the material on your teeth, your tooth/teeth are going to be roughened. The dentist will use a mild acid for roughening. 

After that, the dentist will put another liquid on your teeth so that the composite resin can stick to the surface. Also, he/she will make sure to mould it so that it resembles the shape of your natural teeth. UV light helps harden the material. 

Teeth bonding takes place without making any changes to the underlying tooth structure. It doesn’t require the removal of teeth enamel as happens in veneers. It is possible that one of your teeth is shorter than the surrounding ones. You might consider getting that tooth bonded.

So, Can I Reverse My Teeth Bonding?

Yes. As teeth bonding essentially covers the surface of the tooth without making any drastic changes to the underlying structure, you can easily get it removed. In order to remove the bonding, the expertise of the dentist can play an important role. A rotating disc with sandpaper fixed on it is used to get the composite resin off the teeth.

If the dentist is inexperienced, he/she might end up damaging the enamel surrounding the teeth by rubbing it off with the sandpaper. So, make sure that you find the right clinic no matter what. 

Quite possibly, the colour of the rest of your teeth might not match the one that's underneath the bonding. It's because of the acid used before the application of the composite resin bonding. 

Can I Get Another Dental Treatment After Reversing My Teeth Bonding?

Yes. A reason why some people find teeth bonding inconvenient is that it isn’t as durable. A bonded tooth can easily break or chip if you bite down on something hard. Also, nail-biting or pen/pencil chewing is something that you cannot do with composite resin bonding. This is why, instead of teeth bonding, you can get dental veneers.

If you want to get another broken or chipped tooth bonded, then you might need a tooth bonding reversal. For this, the dentist might remove the bonding from the other tooth before putting it on the new ones.

Sometimes, patients can try out temporary cosmetic treatments before going ahead and getting veneers, crowns, or implants. Through these, they might try to find out if they like getting their new teeth or not. So, after trying out teeth bonding, you can go ahead and get another, more long-lasting cosmetic dental treatment if you like.

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