Why Am I Lactating After Having Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Why Am I Lactating After Having Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Lactation after breast augmentation is a rare occurrence. However, you cannot completely rule out its possibility. 

Is It Normal to Lactate After Breast Augmentation Surgery? 

It depends on the duration for which you’ve been lactating after having breast augmentation surgery. We advise you to consult a GP/OBGYN if you’ve started lactating after having the surgery. Possibly, the surgery may be the reason behind it. However, there are other factors that can make you lactate, which is why it’s better if you consult a professional, especially if you have been lactating for more than a few weeks. 

Why Am I Lactating After Breast Augmentation Surgery? 

There are different explanations for it. One reason why milky fluid comes out of the nipple after breast surgery is the close proximity of milk ducts to the surgical site. 

However, you should know that depending on the breast profile and desired shape and size, the site of the incisions can vary between patients. There is an inframammary incision, transaxillary incision, and periareolar incision.

These ducts normally contain a small amount of fluid in them, which can come out due to swelling after the surgery. Breast massages can also force the milk out of the ducts. It is also thought that increased blood flow could lead to the patient lactating after the surgery. 

One research has suggested another reason for lactation after breast surgery (mammaplasty, which is breast reduction surgery and mastopexy, which is breast uplift). According to it, the thoracic nerve endings can get irritated as a result of incisions. Their stimulation can create impulses which can cause an increase in the level of prolactin (a hormone responsible for milk production during pregnancy). This, in turn, makes the patient lactate.  

In any case, if you are lactating after the surgery, it’s better if you get in touch with a doctor immediately. You might possibly lactate as a result of an underlying condition. So, you should get yourself checked. 

When Will I Stop Lactating After the Surgery? 

You shouldn’t lactate for more than a few weeks after the surgery. Sometimes, patients start lactating days after the surgery, while some patients can lactate even months after the surgery. You don’t need to do anything to stop the lactation. It should stop on its own. 

Can I Lactate Even If I Haven’t Had Any Children? 

Yes, you can lactate after breast augmentation surgery even if you haven’t had any children. That’s why the lactation becomes a cause of concern for some of our patients. It can occur because of some variables other than breast surgery. Therefore, please consult a professional doctor. 

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